
Delgean Gets Her Own Room

Ra Jette gave me the following update this morning...

Delgean has been moved to her own room.  The doctors have taken her off of the ventilator, which is a major step.  She continues to be given oxygen.  Yesterday (Sunday) she OPENED HER EYES!  There are many positive steps that Delgean continues to make.  John and Ra Jette know that miracles have happened for Delgean to be where she is at and continue to pray for her progression and for continued miracles.  The doctors inform that at this point they anticipate a lengthy rehabilitation process.  The Fillingim family knows that Delgean is in our Heavenly Father's hands and have felt peace that everything will be okay.  Each time I visit with John and Ra Jette they are overwhelmed with everyone's love and support.  They feel blessed to have the medical professionals they have, and have had...and continue to feel the faith and prayers from Ward members, family, friends and the community.  Through emotional voices they asked me to again express their appreciation.

Yesterday our primary children and youth made "Get Well Soon" and "We Love You" posters at church that should be hanging in Delgean's room for her to see when she wakes up.  I also know that many of her classmates from school created posters for her.  Those expressions of comfort, coupled with the comfort I am positive she is receiving from the other side of the veil, are/will be tremendous sources of strength as she continues to progress.

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